Hello, I'm Anja

With over 30 years experience of working as a therapist I have come to realise that by cultivating present moment awareness we can experience profound transformative effects in our lives.

With a background in Mindfulness, the Alexander Technique, Pilates and Yoga and as an experienced physiotherapist, I am excited to offer teachings of being more present in our everyday experiences.

Originally from London and raised in the Southeastern Alps of Switzerland, my journey eventually brought me back to the city. With a deep fascination for people and their health and wellbeing, I studied and qualified as a physiotherapist.

Through my experience of working as a physiotherapist, I soon came to realize that the mind and the body are not separate entities. I studied the Alexander Technique, a practice which recognises the inseparable relationship between mind and body.

Studies in counselling skills further deepened my understanding. I experienced the power our thoughts have on our physical and mental health. Our thoughts are more than fleeting ideas, they shape our perceptions, our attitudes, and our actions and deeply affect our wellbeing.

I learnt that dwelling on the past or anticipating the future stops me from fully experiencing this very moment and this causes me anxiety, stress and physical discomfort and I have naturally progressed into the practices of mindfulness.

I have witnessed the profound transformative effects of being fully present in the 'here and now', both in myself and in others.

I have seen decreased stress and anxiety, communication and relationships improve, muscle tension release and people better able to manage illness and pain.

These experiences have reinforced my understanding of the inseparable connection between the mind, the body and our emotions, and how through cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness, we can bring our attention to this very moment and this can positively impact our overall well-being.

Now, as the children have flown the nest and I have moved on from my work in the NHS, I am excited to offer these teachings of ‘Practising Presence’ to smaller and larger groups and in private sessions, both online and in person. I am based in SW London and can travel.

During our sessions, we will learn to understand what may be hindering us from being more fully present, this can be anticipating stress or dwelling on past disappointments. We will learn effective techniques to bring ourselves back to present moment awareness, so we can fully experience the benefits of being in the 'here and now'.

I am delighted to connect with you and I look forward to discussing how I can support you on your journey.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at anja@anjamyrsep.com or fill in the contact form for more infomation


Professional Qualifications

Physiotherapy Diploma, Bern, Switzerland

FM Alexander Technique, Zurich, Basel and London, qualified teacher

Pilates Instructor, Australian Pilates Institute for Physiotherapists

Certificates in counselling, Lewisham College, London

Yoga as Therapy, Australian Pilates Institute for Physiotherapists

MSc Rehabilitation, St Georges University, London

Mindfulness Teacher, Internationally accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals

In-depth Studies

 Mindfulness, meditation and self-enquiry, Angus Ford Robertson, Battersea Yoga

Mindful Self-compassion with the Kind Mind Academy

Work experience

I have worked as a physiotherapist in hospitals and private practices in Switzerland and for the last 2 decades in the NHS in London, UK

I have been involved in supervision and teaching sessions for physiotherapists and multidisciplinary healthcare teams


Agility, Chartered Physiotherapists working with older people, ‘Review of the effectiveness of the Otago Exercise Programme in the prevention of falls in the elderly’ [2016]

International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, ‘Evaluation of housebound patients’ experience of a service provided by a team of community physiotherapists for people who have fallen’ [2018]


Christine Bithell Award for best Dissertation, MSc Rehabilitation, St Georges University London [2017]


English, German, Italian, French

Other interests

The great outdoors

Music, in particular singing

Food: growing, cooking and eating

Recycling and being kind to the environment

People: family, friends, work colleagues, neighbours…